Tag Archives: vespa

My beloved Vespa: back in action & I couldn’t be happier…

My beloved Vespa... back in action.
My beloved Vespa… back in action.

Well what I originally thought was a small problem last November with my vintage Vespa has turned into a nightmare. Ten months and two mechanics’ later I am finally about to be reunited with my baby. It is funny how the small things in life give you the most joy.

So happy to have it back and in perfect time for summer…

Like my new Vespa helmet?….

It is summer in Australia and I can’t think of anything better than jumping on my Vespa PX 125 1984. Last month I received my full licence which means I can now have a glass of Chianti or Peroni Rosso and still be able to drive my Vespa home. To celebrate I just bought this special 25th anniversary Nolan helmet. http://www.nolan.it/catalogo_12.jsp?iditem=209&lng=en

Do you like it?!!! Think is matches my green Zara jeans white nicely 🙂

A tale of two seasons…..

In summer I can’t think of anything better than jumping on my Vespa PX 125 1984 and riding through the city to my appointments. It is so easy, park in front of restaurants, walk in and then ride home. My vespa fits three bottles in it’s front compartment or take away Chinese for my friday night fix. What else could a man want…

During winter, I couldn’t think of anything worse. Thankfully I have a van with some proper advertising to get by 🙂